Sunday, December 29, 2013

Santa Sack Swap

Barb from barbscreations was my partner and boy was I spoiled.

Look at all these goodies in the box.
First up was this beautiful Tilda bag that I put all the goodies into until opening day
My Little helper (Angus) helped me open the goodies.  First up was a beautiful table runner Angus said it's Russell the sheep when he opened it.  Candlemat and candles, a christmas decoration, a bon bon filled with yummy goodies, a Rosalie Quinnlan stitchery and thread, fabric and pattern to make a angel

Thank you Barb for all of my goodies I love them all.


  1. wow Barb always does such awesome parcels,love what you received Carol,enjoy and what a good helper Angus is.xx

  2. what a sack full well done to Barb for putting together a sack of joy for you Carol, cheers Vickie

  3. Lots of lovely goodies, you lucky lady.

  4. Glad you loved what I sent you, I hope I made the table runner long/wide enough from the specifications you gave me when we discussed it? Hope you had a lovely Christmas and wishing you and your family a happy and safe new year as well :) Barb.

    1. Barb the table runner fits perfect. The boys were told not to eat or drink near it.
